Sorted by Age | Dutch Art Education

Sawassist. (free project)  Published on 2020-04-19


Open project

19 items
4143 hits

from 16 yearspermalink

Tangram Puzzle. (free project)  Published on 2020-04-19

Tangram Puzzle.

Open project

42 items
4301 hits

all agespermalink

Logo from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional.3D (free project)  Published on 2020-04-12

Logo from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional.3D

Open project

147 items
4392 hits

from 16 yearspermalink

Wheelthrowing on the Airgoo AG-60 Table Top Pottery Wheel. (free project)  Published on 2020-03-18

Wheelthrowing on the Airgoo AG-60 Table Top Pottery Wheel.

Open project

46 items
6254 hits

all agespermalink