All ages | Dutch Art Education

Tile and decoration  Published on 2015-11-20

Tile and decoration

Open project

44 items
4996 hits

slashing  |  baking  |  clay  |  all agespermalink

Autumn gift  Published on 2015-11-12

Autumn gift

Open project

15 items
5042 hits

drawing  |  paper  |  pencil  |  acrylic paint  |  all ages  |  markerpermalink

Emotion and expression in the museum. (free project)  Published on 2014-09-21

Emotion and expression in the museum.

Open project

37 items
8332 hits

digital photography  |  digital  |  all ages  |  art educationpermalink

Earthship and mosaic work  Published on 2014-09-09

Earthship and mosaic work

Open project

39 items
5375 hits

construct  |  drawing  |  baking  |  clay  |  glaze  |  all ages  |  art educationpermalink

Contrast  Published on 2014-09-06


Open project

28 items
5420 hits

digital photography  |  slashing  |  digital  |  all ages  |  art educationpermalink

Image of a group.  Published on 2014-08-19

Image of a group.

Open project

35 items
5278 hits

modeling  |  baking  |  clay  |  all agespermalink