Sorted by Material | Dutch Art Education

Poetry and painting. (free project)  Published on 2014-01-22

Poetry and painting.

Open project

19 items
6987 hits


How to paint acrylic still life (free project)  Published on 2014-01-19

How to paint acrylic still life

Open project

59 items
6975 hits

acrylic paintpermalink

Brushing Glaze (free project)  Published on 2013-12-01

Brushing Glaze

Open project

18 items
6453 hits

clay  |  glazepermalink

Lifestyle permanently  Published on 2013-11-15

Lifestyle permanently

Open project

65 items
6915 hits

paper  |  acrylpermalink

Autumn and transparency  Published on 2013-11-14

Autumn and transparency

Open project

18 items
5602 hits
