Sorted by Material | Dutch Art Education

Pottery wheel (normal) (free project)  Published on 2010-07-01

Pottery wheel (normal)

Open project

40 items
7753 hits


Pottery wheel with special colours of clay (special) (free project)  Published on 2010-07-01

Pottery wheel with special colours of clay (special)

Open project

15 items
6431 hits


Chop wood (non-figurative)  Published on 2010-07-01

Chop wood (non-figurative)

Open project

31 items
6999 hits


Preparing glaze  Published on 2010-07-01

Preparing glaze

Open project

4 items
6493 hits

clay  |  glazepermalink

PIctures of apples  Published on 2010-07-01

PIctures of apples

Open project

26 items
7253 hits
