Spraying | Dutch Art Education

Graffiti  Published on 2016-06-07


Open project

56 items
5169 hits

painting  |  spraying  |  art educationpermalink

Effect with crackle glaze.  Published on 2014-06-09

Effect with crackle glaze.

Open project

23 items
5967 hits

baking  |  clay  |  glaze  |  from 16 years  |  spraying  |  pottery wheelpermalink

Spaghetti vase (free project)  Published on 2010-12-01

Spaghetti vase

Open project

16 items
7856 hits

modeling  |  baking  |  clay  |  glaze  |  from 16 years  |  spraying  |  pottery wheelpermalink

Test pieces (free project)  Published on 2010-08-23

Test pieces

Open project

36 items
7303 hits

slashing  |  clay  |  glaze  |  from 12 years  |  sprayingpermalink