Clay | Dutch Art Education

Cabinet set  Published on 2012-03-04

Cabinet set

Open project

56 items
7310 hits

clay  |  glaze  |  from 16 years  |  pottery wheelpermalink

Making a female model in clay Model Marije (free project)  Published on 2011-09-02

Making a female model in clay Model Marije

Open project

190 items
7795 hits

modeling  |  clay  |  from 14 years  |  art educationpermalink

Symbolic art / How fragile is time  Published on 2011-05-29

Symbolic art / How fragile is time

Open project

38 items
8669 hits

chop  |  construct  |  reproducing  |  clay  |  wood  |  plaster  |  from 16 years  |  pottery wheel  |  mold  |  art educationpermalink

Spaghetti vase (free project)  Published on 2010-12-01

Spaghetti vase

Open project

16 items
7869 hits

modeling  |  baking  |  clay  |  glaze  |  from 16 years  |  spraying  |  pottery wheelpermalink

Fisch in relief and as press moulding (free project)  Published on 2010-10-03

Fisch in relief and as press moulding

Open project

76 items
8243 hits

modeling  |  drawing  |  baking  |  reproducing  |  printing form  |  clay  |  pencil  |  acryl  |  from 12 yearspermalink

Prepairing dry clay  Published on 2010-09-17

Prepairing dry clay

Open project

11 items
6985 hits

modeling  |  clay  |  all agespermalink