Sorted by Technique | Dutch Art Education

Shadow drawings.  Published on 2016-02-02

Shadow drawings.

Open project

16 items
5238 hits

digital photography  |  drawingpermalink

Reproduce tile.  Published on 2016-02-02

Reproduce tile.

Open project

69 items
5524 hits

baking  |  printing formpermalink

Tulip in colour (free project)  Published on 2016-01-31

Tulip in colour

Open project

15 items
4661 hits


Portret Margret printinfo  Published on 2016-01-30

Portret Margret printinfo

Open project

13 items
4445 hits

digital photographypermalink

Texture and tile  Published on 2016-01-26

Texture and tile

Open project

49 items
5662 hits

slashing  |  baking  |  printing formpermalink