Sorted by Technique | Dutch Art Education

Texture from nature (vase)  Published on 2010-07-01

Texture from nature (vase)

Open project

24 items
6741 hits


Spraying glaze on pottery  Published on 2010-07-01

Spraying glaze on pottery

Open project

8 items
7456 hits

baking  |  pottery wheelpermalink

Landscape  Published on 2010-07-01


Open project

22 items
6389 hits

chop  |  drawingpermalink

Chop a portrait in roofmate.  Published on 2010-07-01

Chop a portrait in roofmate.

Open project

17 items
9532 hits


Making a bowl out of clay (group work) (free project)  Published on 2010-07-01

Making a bowl out of clay (group work)

Open project

32 items
7574 hits

printing formpermalink